Authentic Marketing

After many years of more or less successfully marketing to the public what I do, I feel that there has often been a lack of authenticity in my way of “trying to get across a message”.  My whole focus seemed to be on what people wanted to hear or on making them want what I had to offer.  Or on selling some promises.  This was a lot of effort and very frustrating.  I have decided to apply the principles of ease to marketing.  This means I am simply speaking from who I am today and let people decide for themselves if what I have to offer is useful for them.  I decided to stop making unrealistic promises to catch peoples attention use the latest buzz word, stop trying to be someone in order to fit into certain expectations.  By doing this I feel I am walking on unfamiliar turf.  I have no idea if this will work and it is a little scary but I do know that it feels a lot easier than what I used to do.   It is an experiment and I am willing to change course if necessary but for now this is what it is.