About this site

What is this site all about?

This site has come about as a result of my own journey towards more ease and authenticity in my life as a musician, Alexander Teacher and student of life.  After many years of exploring the world and different ideas, concepts, methods and trainings I felt the urge to formulate the discoveries I made in my own words.  I used to feel that there was no umbrella big enough to fit all the different professional and personal interests I have.  After years of painfully searching for “the right box”  I realised that there is no box.  There never was a box.  There is just this.  Life manifesting in all its different ways through the story of me.

So the purpose of this site is:

  1. To have an online presence for my career as a musician and Aexander Teacher
  2. To share my discoveries in the most authentic way I can find
  3. To explore new possibilities around living life with less effort, being creative, learning and challenging existing “truths”.
  4. To interact with people in this big cloud of information we call the internet, learn from others and provide information that others can learn from

After many years of trying to market what I do in different ways, this site is also an experiment in authentic marketing.